Why should art and design ever be separated of thought of as separate entities. Do we need to ad more labels and distinctions to our already complicated creative world?
I think not. If we think of print as design, then paintings are design. Both are two-dimensional, contain iconography, and send a message to the viewer.
If art is something that as human beings we need to produce, then why should art with purpose be any different? Design is something we all participate in. Some of us choose to be direct creators and others are the users that help the design evolve. However, we still label people as; either artists or non-artists, designers or non-designers. Just because we choose a less “creative” career like accounting or science, doesn’t mean we are not creative, not artists, or not designers. Those are just different types of creativity. Is there a law saying a spreadsheet is not art? I know a whole lot of people who would whole heartedly disagree.
So as my circle comes back around, perhaps we can begin to artists vs. designers. Since we cannot agree on what an artist does and what is designated as art we should allow design to be considered art. Designers should not have to deny their artistic backgrounds, or tendencies but they should also not be afraid to embrace their more “non-creative” traits.
Artist and Designer shouldn’t battle, they should join forces to take on the world!